Services done by the 'Shiv Baba Service initiative'
Here is the displayed list of services done through the Shiv Baba Service initiative as a reference. If you wish to apply to join the service team, fill this form and submit. This page is as a record of all online services done since 2016.
1. We give spiritual guidance and helpful advice through our shared 'Samadhan' WhatsApp group & through E-Mail. Access the Forum to read our published responses.
2. Gyan related and general articles, Q and A - Visit this
3. Managing the main website: (One Website for Everything)
4. Samadhan WhatsApp group to give guidance on any life situation, giving answer to Gyan related & general questions View this
5. Managing the main Blog Visit Blog
6. Articles, Q & A blog website ->
7. Created 3 mobile apps for Android phone & manage 1 of them.
8. Managing the Sound Cloud channel for daily audio services
(Visit the 21 playlists of our SoundCloud channel)
9. Writing articles in Hindi and English See this
10. Making PDF versions of articles, course and webpages See this
11. Audio English translation for original Sakar Murli. Visit this
12. Gyan related video articles posting on this YouTube channel.
13. Old Avyakt Murlis revision project. Visit this
14. Managing 14 WhatsApp groups to give daily sustenance to BK godly students.
15. Editing and improving content on the 'main website'. See on What's New page
16. Publishing spiritually & morally uplifting messages daily on our Messages section.
17. (new) Seleted collection of 141 most beautiful BK songs to listen online, download lyrics. Visit our Songs Library
17. Occasional services connected with the main website