WhatsApp Groups - Brahma Kumaris
WhatsApp groups are created to connect the Brahman family members who live in loukik (family life or gruhasth), who live far away (physically) or they cannot visit the centre for a reason. For them, we send Daily Gyan Murli, Purusharth, Slogans, thoughts, important classes, audio, videos, and other website's useful links via our 12 Whatsapp groups.
Below are some of our WhatsApp groups you can join with given direct links. Also, whatsapp numbers of group admins are given, so that you can message if have any question. Groups are operated from India and the UK. Brahma Kumari and Brahma Kumar can join any 1 group to receive daily sustenance. Please accept a gift: Welcome Letter for You​ which will guide you ahead in BK life (all useful links are provided on welcome letter)
To join our newest WhatsApp group, fill this form.
Join our Telegram group (unlimited members)
BK WhatsApp groups Links
Join Group 'Peace of Mind TV'
Join Group 'Brahman Family'
Join group 'Brahma Kumaris 2'
Join group 'Brahman Parivar 7'
Join group 'Brahman Parivar 8'
Join group 'Brahman Parivar 9'
Join group 'RajYoga meditation course in English'
Join group 'RajYoga online course in Hindi'
To join ANY new (current) group or to ask any question, message group admins.
'Do not call on any number'
Group Admins:
(+60) 163 628 566 (BK Pari -Malaysia)
(+91) 7047 248 714 (BK Meenakshi)
(+91) 9630 418 891 (BK Hritika)
(+44) 7459 508 656 (admin)
(+91) 9891 994 216 (BK Mamta)
Message: Just 'message' on any 1 number to join group. DO NOT CALL.
If you have any question or personal life-related problem, join our Samadhan group.
Baba welcomes all children.
''I have come to create a new world, to liberate you from maya and sorrow. My beloved child, now you walk on the path I show and it is God's promise that you will receive the great fortune of that heaven which is being created.''
Must read -> Shiv Baba's Message
★Visit our Godly Gifts page for many more useful links.
Brahma Kumaris Videos
RESOURCES - Audio collection of everything
Need anything? Search on BK Google - A personal divine search engine for BKs.
Visit our SiteMap to find anything you want.